
Our offer – your benefits

Our know-how as rating analysts enables cooperation in the five core occupational fields of rating analysis:

1. Credit institutions, corporations, factoring companies and venture capital investors

These institutions deal with targeted analyses of companies and have specialists as employees. However, with regard to Basel II et seq. they are dependent on the optimization and systematization of their procedures and appreciate a second opinion assessment by independent analysts:

Structure Finance / Asset Securitization

  • CDO/ABS transactions
  • inter alia, quality determination of (SME) portfolios to be securitized

Credit Business
Implementation of the revised statutory requirements

Optimization / Systematization
of procedures for the targeted company – analysis as a second opinion.

Mrs Dipl. oec. Susanne Hyna, managing companion of Höher Consulting Group: “Due to my analyst training at the University of Augsburg (including by Fitch Ratings Ltd., and Standard & Poor’s), and based on my economics degree and years of experience my team and I have the necessary prerequisites for fruitful cooperation with your company”

Our other basic occupational fields as rating analyst