As a management consultancy in the Federal Association of German Management Consultants (BDU), we have over 30 years of industry-specific know-how at our disposal.
Corporate philosophy
The corporate philosophy of Höher Consulting
– to think like entrepreneurs in their own field –
is a prerequisite for the successful business development of the company.
The goal, as industry-specialized management consultants and analysts, is to generate added value for the company.
The external specialist – a task and problem solver with high quality customer benefits
Consultancy areas by function or occupational fields
- Corporate management / Organization
- Controlling, Finance and Accounting
- Creation/optimization of integrated business planning
- Creation Due Diligence/M&A, business succession
- Business model validation/revision
- Corporate finance/financial management
- Rating-Analyst */Rating Advisory
- Restructuring (incl. certificate IDW)
Industry focus
- Trade, crafts, services
- Manufacturing industry
- Mechanical engineering and automotive supply industry
The Corporate Finance Division – Automotive Suppliers (CfAS)® specializes in the realization of management services and an on-site presence in the case of customers in the automotive supply industry. The responsibilities of the division include the development and realization / implementation of strategic and organizational measures to improve / optimize the economic situation of enterprises and the resultant management tasks. In this context, suppliers can be included in the CfAS® Supplier Pool. The advantages of the pool, in addition to the identification of good credit standing to third parties, are the optimization of the company’s credit rating and use of the pool’s related funding programs.
*)Assessment of creditworthiness and the sustainability of a company as a result of the systematic identification, analysis and evaluation of a variety of interacting processes and functions – a substantiated forecast of the financial situation of the company “tomorrow”.